Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hello, My name is Allison. It's nice to meet you.

I've been playing around with the thought of starting a blog recently. A place to spill my jumbled thoughts and to talk about all my girly obsessions along with sharing bits from my rather mundane life. I had started this blog a few weeks ago but then it fell to the wayside as I figured 'nobody will care about what I have to say' but after this weeks events I've decided I need this space for myself in order to keep myself sane. It's been a very sad week for me as I have lost a cat that I was very close to.
She was a beautiful little girl who was my best friend. Her passing was sudden, shocking and completely uncalled for. I haven't dealt well which is why I wanted to start this blog, as a distraction and a place to let out my thoughts, of course my thoughts aren't always this depressing, but sometimes life happens whether it be good or bad. So welcome to my journey of lipsticks, kitties, the road to health and interesting adventures. I'd love it if you came along!